‘Byw i’r presennol ac edrych i’r dyfodol.’
Brynaman Primary School
SA18 1AH
01269 822108
Mr L James
BA(Hons)., PGCE
Chairman of Governors:
Mr G Davies
Headteacher’s Welcome
Dear Parent,
It gives me great pleasure to present to you via this handbook some information about the school. This handbook is intended to help you know more about the life and work at Ysgol Brynaman.
At our school we hope to provide a caring environment for your child. We endeavour to provide a wide range of balanced learning opportunities for all children to help them grow into independent and responsible people. A good and active home and school relationship is vital to foster a sense of partnership between parent and teacher, to ensure the best possible environment.
Ysgol Brynaman is a happy school and that is derived from the progressive satisfaction of on-going achievements. Such striving causes pupils, parents, staff, the local authority and the general public to be proud of their association with the school.
After reading this prospectus you might want further information. If so, you may contact myself or my deputy, Mrs Melanie Jones.
Lee James
Welcome to our School
Every child is different. They look different, behave differently and develop at different times and rates; learn at different times in different ways. For their sake, please do not compare them with other children.
We are delighted to have your children with us. We hope they will be happy in our school.
The School Day
Foundation Phase Reception and Nursery: 9.00am – 11.45am
1.00pm – 3.00pm
Foundation Phase Yrs 1 and 2: 9.00am – 12.00 midday
1.00pm – 3.10pm
Juniors: 9.00am – 12.00 midday
1.00pm – 3.30pm
No child is to leave the school premises during the official opening hours unless the school has been informed.
School Vision
‘Byw i’r presennol, edrych i’r dyfodol’ – Live in the present, look to the future
We aim to create a welcoming and happy atmosphere, that offers the opportunity for each pupil to reach their full potential. We will develop creative, intelligent, mentrus ang high achieving pupils that show pride in their local area. We will challenge each pupil to become a confident and compassionate adult.
We ask all our pupils to
Speak Welsh
Give 100% in all aspects of life
Be kind
Contacting Parents
We use Teacher Centre text, e-masils and SeeSaw to share and communicate with parents and carers. The information exchange between the class teacher and parents/carers is a helpful way of making daily links.
Ysgol Brynaman has qualified, committed and enthusiastic staff. We are a large team and currently there are a large number of experienced, dedicated teaching assistants. All staff work together to create a positive and supportive environment for pupils.
School Objectives
The Four Core Purposes
During their time in Ysgol Brynaman the staff will aim to ensure the pupils are
- Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives.
- Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work.
- Ethical, well-informed citizens of Wales and the world.
- Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
Curricular Aims – New Curriculum September 2022
It is our aim to provide the pupils with the with the necessary skills to become confident pupils. The 4 purposes will be at the centre of all lessons and sessions that are taught.
The curriculum is relevant to the needs of the pupils and enhances their knowledge, experience, understanding and awareness of values. It enables them to enter the world after formal education is over as an active participant in society, and a responsible contributor to it, achieving as much independence as possible.
The curriculum on offer in its simplest form, contained within four main areas:
Through play, children develop attention, language skills, emotions and creativity, social and intellectual skills. Play underpins learning and all aspects of the child’s development.
In line with the Curriculum for Wales we are developing a relevant and bespoke curriculum offer which will aim to develop the 4 Core Purposes:
Through a range of relevant, authentic and rich learning opportunities and experiences.
We will share topics termly through Open Evenings and SeeSaw pages.
The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum and it is always aware of and sensitive to each pupil’s developmental stage and realistic about their potential. Teaching of the curriculum is approached through class, group or individual work and progress is determined by the ability of each pupil.
This is to be introduced in September 2022. Simply it consists of:
4 core purposes – which all teaching stems from.
6 Areas of Learning
Science and Technology
Health and Well-Being
Creative Arts
Each of the above areas of leaning has equal importance.
Throughout theses areas of learning, literacy, numeracy and ICT are also embedded
Experienced trained staff run interventions across the school, these include:
- Intensive Interaction, which develops pre language skills – with support from the Speech and Language team
- Phonological Awareness, which develops pre language skills – CHATT
- RWI, which develops reading & writing.
- ELSA and Positive Play which looks at supporting the pupils emotionally
- Dinner Time well-being session – a break from the hustle and bustle of the school yard
- Rapid Maths – to develop and build pupil confidence in Mathematics
School Rules and Discipline
Staff will deal sensitively and fairly with all ill-discipline. A restorative approach will be used in ensuring the pupil understands why his/her behaviour is not acceptable. Pupils are made aware of the school and class rules during the start of each new term.
Children are encouraged to appreciate the need for rules and regulations so that eventually a sense of self-discipline will be developed.
In a case of serious misbehaviour, co-operation between home and school will be necessary in dealing with the problem.
The School also operates a system of Team Points to encourage positive behaviour and good effort.
Parents are welcome to make arrangements with the Headteacher to visit the School prior to admission. The School follows the Admission Policy outlined by the Local Authority. All admissions applications are to be made through the Local Authority.
School Organisation
- Due to pupil numbers changing yearly, parents are informed of the school organisation at the end of Summer Term for the following year.
- Parents are invited to school early in September for and informal presentation by their child’s teacher, explain the expectations, the themes of study and further general information on school life.
Curriculum Organisation
The new curriculum offers schools the flexibility to organise the curriculum as it wishes, to create a stimulating and rich learning environment both inside and outside the classroom.
Recording Progress
Staff will note pupil progress in each of the 6 areas of learning through formative and summative assessments. Staff will report on pupil progress termly, with a written report at the end of the school year.
Starting School
Children start in the Nursery on a part time basis the term after their third birthday.
Children are admitted the term before their fourth birthday as full time Nursery pupils. Arrangements are made for children to attend the school for half days towards the end of term prior to their admission. Parents will be contacted on these occasions.
The pupils will enjoy a varied curriculum, prioritising the pupil’s development and independence.
School Uniform
The school has an official uniform of red tie, red jumper/cardigan, white blouse/shirt, grey trousers/skirt. Sweatshirts and Polo shirts are also available, which bear the school logo and name. The uniform is not compulsory other than when the children are representing the school. All pupils are required to always dress sensibly and neatly. School uniform is encouraged and is available at numerous clothe shops in the local area. Please contact the school for further information.
School Meals
Mid-day meals are prepared, cooked and served on the premises daily. A menu of the week’s meals are available on Parent Pay. Currently all pupils, up to year 4 receive free school meals. Yr 5 and 6 pupils are asked to pay for dinner on parent pay.
Children eat their packed lunches in the dining room. Please do not give your child any drinks in glass containers, fizzy or sugary drinks. Packed lunches must be healthy. The school is also nut free school, due to a number of pupils who have a serious nut allergy.
Parents must send an explanatory note or email the school when a child is absent or wishes to leave early.
The time and arrangements for collecting the child should be clearly stated.
It is also essential that the school knows if someone other than the parent is collecting the child at the end of the day.
It is important that when a child moves to another school that the Headteacher be informed so that relevant records can be forwarded.
You will be contacted if you have not informed the school of your child’s absence.
Unauthorised Absences from School
Parents are expected to inform a member of staff of reasons for any absences from school. A letter informing parents of absence regulations is given to parents for information.
Healthcare Needs
Medication can be administered in school by nominated staff providing that medicines are relevant, in-date, correctly labelled with dosage and administration instructions and written permissions received from parents or carers.
Health Visitor
The school nurses visit the school annually for flu jabs and parents will be informed of these visits and of any follow up arrangements. The school nurse also visits the school regularly to conduct eye and hearing tests.
Pastoral Care
The school aims to create a community which has a warm and friendly atmosphere so that the children have a sense of care and security. The staff work as a team and are responsible to the Headteacher for the general welfare of pupils. The school liaises, when necessary, with other agencies at the transfer stage. The school offers Positive play and ELSA to support pupils. The school can also refer pupils to the Area 43 counselling service.
Children should not be on the school premises sooner than fifteen minutes before school commences in the morning as supervision cannot be guaranteed, unless they attend breakfast club, which opens its doors at 8am.
All children are supervised throughout the day. During lesson time they are supervised by their class teacher. Members of staff supervise the children during morning and afternoon breaks. During the dinner hour, the supervisory assistants, who are responsible to the Headteacher, supervise the children.
In the event of an accident the person on duty will attend to the child. Adequate first aid equipment is available at the school. The person on duty will assess if further action is required. If so, an attempt will be made to contact the parents. If this is not possible arrangements will be made by the Headteacher to take the child to his/her doctor or even to hospital.
In the event of an illness the school will endeavour to contact the parents at home or in work. No child will be allowed to go home unless contact has been made with a parent or close relative and suitable arrangements made for the collection of the child and for his supervision at home.
Parents are strongly recommended NOT to send their children to school if they are feeling unwell.
Arrangements for Religion, Values and Ethics
For Religious Education we follow the Local Authority RVE policy and scheme of work. This covers all areas of religious and moral studies. Each day will begin with morning assembly which has a religious or moral theme. Every child is expected to participate. RVE is mandatory for each pupil.
Relationships and Sex Education
From September 2022, the school will follow the Relationships and Sexual Education policies and guidelines of Welsh Government. The school is currently working on a scheme of work that is age appropriate and meets the needs of today’s pupils. Further information will follow to parents.
Arrangements for Additional Needs
Since September 2021 the school has been implementing the Government’s ‘Transformation Bill’ for children with Additional Needs. The school employs an ALNCo ensuring that these children receive individual attention daily from various intervention groups. Pupils’ work is constantly appraised, and their needs noted where assistance and support is given within the classroom or in small groups so as to improve on their work.
Our policy is to ensure all pupils’ needs are considered individually, so that the programme of study that they follow is relevant to their needs, to identify individual learning difficulties and to organised and manage the support of the pupils from all levels of ability. To provide a support for all subjects as well as the basic skills of literacy and numeracy is also emphasised. The AN Policy is available at the School.
The education of any child will be enhanced if home and school work together in partnership. We hope to instil in our children a love of learning and to encourage them to develop the desire to seek out the information they will need using appropriate resources. Homework helps both children and parents to enjoy shared time and to appreciate each other’s needs. At Ysgol Brynaman we feel that properly designed homework can play a valuable part in a child’s education. The school strongly encourages the children to do their homework, yet it is voluntary. If you do not wish your child to do homework, kindly inform the school in writing.
What to do if you want to complain or do not agree.
Initially discuss the matter with your class teacher. If the complaint has not been dealt with satisfactory, please arrange a meeting with the Headteacher.
If you feel that your complaint has still not been dealt with, please write to the clerk of Governors, Mrs Joy Davies informing her that you would like to make a formal complaint.
The school will then follow the Welsh Government Complaints Policy
A copy of the complaints policy is available from the school.
Parental Involvement
Parents are encouraged to contact the school when they have relevant problems to discuss regarding their children. You are advised to make an appointment by phoning the school – outside teaching hours if possible – or by forwarding a letter. Appropriate arrangements will be made as soon as possible.
Home/School Agreement
A Home/School Agreement is given to the parent of every child. It should be signed and returned to the school. The Home/School Agreement underpins the ethos and values of the school, both of which are identified throughout the content of the prospectus.
Health and Safety Arrangements
The School has a Health and Safety Policy, available from the School if required.
Equal Opportunities
At Ysgol Brynaman we believe that everyone has the right to be given the opportunity to achieve his /her full potential regardless of race, gender or disability. We consider that discrimination on any grounds is offensive and will act positively against any form of prejudice.
Disabled Pupils
The School is equipped with ramps, disabled toilet facilities and lifts to accommodate for any disabled pupils who require additional assistance and to avoid discrimination. Disabled Pupils are included in mainstream classes. Admission arrangements for disabled pupils are in accordance with LA procedures.
Accessibility Planning
The Accessibility Plan has been developed and drawn up based upon information supplied by the LA and consultation with pupils, parents, staff and governors of the school. Other outside agencies and specialists have also been consulted. The document will be used to advise other school planning documents and policies and will be reported upon annually in respect of progress and outcomes. The intention is to provide a projected plan annually ahead of the next review date – Governors’ Annual Report.
The Accessibility Plan is structured to complement and support the school’s Equality Objectives. We understand that the LA will monitor the school’s activity under the Equality Act 2010 and will advise upon the compliance with that duty.
Term Dates
Term dates also available from the Carmarthenshire County Website. The school will inform parents of any closure due to In Service training days, of which there are currently six in a school year.
Attendance Data
Parents are informed about class attendance data every half term. The target for 2023/24 is 93%. Improving attendance is currently a school target.
Language Policy
The school encourages the development of a bilingual programme in accordance with the Carmarthenshire LA Language Policy. The aim is that by the age of 11 years, every child, according to his/her ability will be able to speak, read and write in both Welsh and English. It is our aim to promote all aspects of the Welsh Language and culture and work to develop the children’s ability, knowledge and respect for both languages.
Teaching Methods and Organisations
The School has embedded teaching practices noted in the Teaching and Learning Policy. Classes are organised annually according to year group pupil numbers and are always subject to change. The children receive a Welsh medium education up to Year 2 and a bilingual education thereafter. The ethos of the School is Welsh. Non-Welsh speaking children who arrive during term time are treated sympathetically and will receive significant support in helping them to learn the Welsh language.
Governing Body
A list of School Governors is enclosed on a separate sheet.
The Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
The School has a Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. Meetings are held to discuss school matters and functions so that parents get to know each other and money is raised to supplement the school provisions. The association extends a warm welcome to all new parents.
School Fund
Any money coming to the association is placed in the association’s fund. All the money raised is used for the benefit of the children.
Inspection of Documents
Documents required to be made available by regulation may be inspected at the school. Parents are requested to make arrangements with the school as to when it is convenient to do so.
Charging and Remission Policy
The School does not charge parents for activities carried out during school times. This means that musical tuition is free, though children may have to wait until a school owned instrument becomes available.
Sports Activities
Our school has excellent grounds and we have a large pitch and a hard court. There is a wide range of sports activities undertaken during the year where children represent the school. These include swimming, rugby, cricket, netball and cross country.
Any child taking part represents the school and this is recognised as a privilege equal to academic and artistic achievement. It also fosters team spirit and the development of skills. We aim to give children of all abilities the opportunity to participate in competitive events.
Year 3 and 4 receive swimming lessons.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Extra-curricular activities are of vital importance to the school for several reasons. They are an essential part of the individual’s personal and educational development. Although the school serves a distinct catchment area, it aims at broadening the horizons of the pupils with visits to the theatre, cinemas and areas of special interest, Urdd activities and concerts on special occasions. When an outside visit is arranged then the school asks parents to make a voluntary contribution towards the costs. We also encourage children who participate in activities at local clubs to inform us of certificates they have been awarded. Presentations are made in school assemblies and children are complimented on achievements at clubs and societies during their leisure time. The School has strong sporting and cultural traditions.
The children are constantly encouraged to develop their cultural talents by taking part in school and community concerts.
Open Evenings
Parents are invited to the school and are involved in the discussion of school policies, the curriculum and their children’s progress and development.
After School Clubs
The School runs a variety of After School Clubs.
The School and the Community
The School is an integral part of the community. We like to associate ourselves with the various activities held in the village. Local business people are always extremely kind to us in allowing us to pay educational visits to their premises and by giving us financial support.
Educational visits are an important part of the vibrant curriculum experience and provide opportunities to enhance learning and encounter new situations outside the school environment.
The educational visits enrich the curriculum topics.
All visits are carefully planned on an individual pupil basis and risk assessments support the safety of all.
Parents and carers are informed and voluntary contributions may be asked for.
Ysgol Brynaman aims to provide an environment in which pupils feel safe, secure, valued and respected. The school fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect and support the pupils in its care.
The school security is of utmost importance. Strangers are not allowed to enter the school unannounced and all outside doors are kept locked or security protected so that access is controlled at all times. Visitors are required to sign the visitors’ book, wear an identity badge and will always be accompanied by a member of staff whilst in school.
The governors and staff are committed to ensuring a high standard of health and safety and welfare for all pupils, staff, and visitors. The school has a comprehensive policy to this effect.
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, children and young people. There is a Child Protection Policy in place which aims to make explicit the school’s commitment to the development of good practice and sound procedures and its purpose is to ensure that child protection concerns and referrals are handled sensitively, professionally and in ways that support the needs of the child.
All school policies are available from school:
If you have any questions of need further information, please feel free to contact the school office or us directly on
01269 822108
This information if not exhaustive, but we assure you that we have your child’s welfare at heart at all times. We are anxious to work with you, in the most important task of educating your child.
The school and the home have important roles in ensuring that a child reaches his/her full potential.
If you have any problems, please do not hesitate in contacting us and we will do our utmost to solve them.